7.2 Environmentally preferable material. Environmentally preferable materials should be used to the
maximum extent possible to meet the requirements of this specification. As of the dating of this
document, the U.S. Environmentally Protection Agency (EPA) is focusing efforts on reducing 31 priority
chemicals. The list of chemicals is available on their website at
https://www.epa.gov/osw/hazard/wastemin/priority.htm. Use of these materials on the list should be
minimized or eliminated unless needed to meet the requirements specified herein (see Section 3).
7.3 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code. For ordering purposes, inventory control, and
submission of these fuse cartridges to DLA Land and Maritime under the Military Parts control Advisory
Group (MPCAG) evaluation program, CAGE code 58536 should be used.
7.4 Source of documents.
FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR).
(Copies of this document are available online at https://www.acquisition.gov/comp/far/index.html or
from the U.S. Government Printing Office, 732 North Capital Street, NW, Washington D.C. 20401-0001.)
7.5 Ordering data. The contract or order should specify the following:
a. CID document number, revision, and CID PIN.
b. Product conformance provisions.
c. Packaging requirements.
7.6 Commercial products. As part of the market analysis and research effort, this CID was coordinated
with the following manufacturers of commercial products. At the time of CID preparation and
coordination, these manufacturers were known to have commercial products that would meet the
requirements of this CID. (NOTE: This information should not be considered as a list of approved
manufacturers or be used to restrict procurement to only the manufacturers shown.)
MFR's name and address
DENCO Fuses, Incorporated
8244 S.W. 103 Avenue
Miami, FL 33173-3906
Phone number: (305) 273-6226
Facsimile number: (305) 273-4335
E-mail: mailto:info@dencofuses.com
Uniform Resource Locator (URL):
Ferraz Shawmut
374 Merrimac Street
Newburyport, MA 01950-1930
Phone number: 978-462-6662
Facsimile number: 978-462-0181
E-mail: mailto:technicalservices@ferrazshawmut.com
URL: https://www.ferrazshawmut.com/