MIL-PRF-19207G Rejected lots. If an inspection lot is rejected, the supplier may rework it to correct the defects or
100 percent inspect the lot and remove all defective parts. Reworked lots shall be resubmitted for
inspection. Such lots shall be separated from new lots and shall be clearly identified as reinspected lots.
If one or more defects are found in this second sample, the lot shall be rejected and shall not be supplied
to this specification.
TABLE IV. Group A inspection.
Examination or test
Test method
Visual and mechanical examination
Dielectric withstanding voltage
Contact resistance Test routine. All fuseholders in the sample shall be subjected to the tests specified in table IV.
4.5.4 Group B inspection. Sampling plan. Group B inspection shall be made on sample units which have been subjected
to and have passed group A inspection. Five sample fuseholders from each inspection lot, shall be
selected for group B inspection. Test routine. All fuseholders in a sample shall be subjected to the tests specified in table V in
the order shown.
TABLE V. Group B inspection.
Examination or test 1/
Test method
Enclosure (sealed types only)
Insulation resistance
Solderability 2/
1/ If the manufacturer can demonstrate that these tests have been performed ten consecutive
times with zero failure, the frequency of these tests, with the approval of the qualifying activity,
can be performed on a quarterly basis. If the design, material, construction, or processing of
the fuseholder is changed or if there are any quality problems or failures, the qualifying activity
may require resumption of the original test frequency. Regardless of reduction of tests, the
manufacturer shall supply product capable of passing these prescribed tests. (NOTE: If there
is no production of a given fuseholder type in the quarter, the manufacturer is not required to
perform group B quality testing.)
2/ Solderability shall only be performed on fuseholders with pre-plated terminals. Disposition of sample units. Sample units which have passed the group B inspection may be
delivered on the contract.
4.5.5 Group C inspection. Sampling for group C inspection. Two sample fuseholders of each type shall be randomly
selected for group C inspection at the end of each 36-month period following qualification approval. In
the event the contractor has had no production of a fuseholder type in the 36-month period, samples shall
be selected from the first production following this period. Table II, pertaining to extension to qualification
approval, is not applicable to group C sampling; however, where a fuseholder type provides several
discrete voltage ratings, the two test samples may be selected from any of the ratings. Test routine. Group C inspection shall be conducted as specified in table VI in the order
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