TABLE VI. Group C inspection.
Examination or test
Test method
Group I - one sample
Enclosure (sealed types only)
Contact resistance
Terminal strength
RFI/EMI Shielding (when specified 3.1) 1/
Dielectric withstanding voltage
Group II - one sample
Mechanical shock
Salt spray (corrosion)
Torque strength of inserts threaded terminals,
and molded threads
Indicating lamp (as for group A tests)
RFI/EMI Shielding (when specified 3.1) 1/
Dielectric withstanding voltage
1/ The shielding efficiency test is not required provided the manufacturer has not made any
changes in the design, construction, or material of the fuseholder since the last EMI/RFI
shielding efficiency group C inspection or initial qualification (which ever came later). Disposition of sample units. Sample units which have passed the group C inspection may be
delivered on the contract or order. Extension of group C inspection. Group C inspection testing may be extended to other
fuseholder types provided they comply with table VII. If group C inspection is performed on the
fuseholder type specified in column I, the group C inspection requirement may be granted to the
fuseholder types specified in column II, provided that qualification inspection was previously obtained on
the fuseholders specified.
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